Tips & Trik

10 Really Useful SolidWorks Tips and Tricks

With the many features and capabilities of the SolidWorks software, knowing what keyboard shortcuts to use will save you time because you no longer have to search for it in all the menus. But it’s not just the keyboard shortcuts that can make your work easier and faster, but also knowing how and when to use the exact tools when you need it gives you the advantage that not all SolidWorks users may have.

You’ll benefit most from this is you’re only learning the software, but even long-time users may pick-up some tips from this 10 really useful list of tips and tricks:

1. Click Window > New Window to open a new instance of the file you are viewing. Use one of the windows to zoom in for precision work and see your work update in the other window.

2. Zoom to Fit by pressing the ‘F’ key. In one keystroke, you get a screen-sized overview of your work.

3. Check the degree of curvature in a spline by right-clicking the spline and selecting Show Curvature. If the degree of curvature is too small or too large, you can change the display by selecting Modify Curvature Scale on the same menu.

4. Right-click a Drawing View and select Show In Exploded State to easily create an exploded view of an assembly.

5. If you want to edit a part in an assembly, you can make the other components to become transparent, so it is easier to select the part that you want to edit: simply right-click Components and select Change Transparency.

6. Use Interference Detection to make sure the components in your assembly do not intersect one another.

7. Easily change a solid body to a surface body by deleting one of the solid’s faces.

8. Run Import Diagnosis after importing a file into SolidWorks to find any faulty faces or edges. This tool can repair these errors or eliminate them so you do not run into problems later on.

9. Align and space multiple dimensions in a drawing by selecting the dimensions, then using the on-screen Dimensions Palette. Your work will look much neater and easier to understand with properly aligned dimensions.

10. Use SolidWorks Copy Settings Wizard to save your user interface customization settings. This way, you do not have to spend time rearranging your interface or looking for a misplaced toolbar.

10 Ways to Make SolidWorks Faster!

Unfortunately, SolidWorks has a habit of running slowly, especially with  large assemblies and drawings.
 Although the latest version of SolidWorks has tried to improve this area  of the  software, there are still
 a few things you can do to quicken up your working day!

  • In a Part or Assembly, turn off HLR (Hidden Lines Removed) This saves the program from working out what lines it needs to hide and what lines it doesn't.
  • Shading your Part or Assembly will also help to speed things up, & can be clearer than having your HLR turned off.
  • If using a wireframe view, you can make things faster by reducing the quality slider bar.
  • If using a shaded view, you can make this faster by reducing the quality slider bar.
  • Within a large assembly, you can dramatically improve your working speed by loading lightweight parts and sub-assemblies. Only resolving parts that you need to work on.
  • It is also worth checking that the ‘Large Assembly Mode' feature is enabled. This lets you set a maximum number of components in an assembly before 'LAM' kicks in.
  • Keeping to ‘Draft Quality' views lets you move quicker around drawings. Switch views to ‘High Quality' when you are happy you have finished.
  • Turn off Shadows within your Part or Assembly.
  • The default gradient background looks nice, but changing to single colour will make a difference.
  • Making sure the ‘No Preview During Open' box is checked will speed up the time it takes to open your SolidWorks File.

Tutorial Simulation & FEA (Statis)

 Halo solidworks lovers, semoga tetap semangat dengan aktifitas anda..berikut ini ada tutorial bagus untuk Simulation dan FEA..
Simak dan semoga bermanfaat..

Leader ISSUG

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